Wednesday, May 20, 2009

GPS Box Assignment

Thursday 14th May

Today drew up my analog gps box, completed the the outline and now ready for colour next lesson.

Monday 18th May

Today i coloured my box, i chose three different shades of purple, i completed this and also cut it out and glued it together.

Thursday 21st May

Today i started my digital gps box and going well with it.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

GPS Box Assignment

Monday 11th May 09

Today in class i sketched all sides of my box and also sketched two templates, one with the measurements and what size it would be 15cm x 15cm (square) and one in the colour's i have chosen.
  • Mostly Black writting, inc white aswell
  • Different shades of purple for the actual colour
  • Silver and Black for the GPS
Also what information i would display on the box and where.
  • Front - The Trek-Man TM-90
  • Top (lid) - Trek-Man logo, Website and Catch Phrase " Explore with Trek-Man " and BONUS! Free wall charger
  • Right Side - Model Number TM-90, and back of GPS
  • Left Side - Value Pack (Contents)
  • Back - Extras and Buttons
  • Bottom - Important Notes, Company (Explore), Map Data Coverage and Barcode

GPS Box Assignment

Sunday 10th May 09

Tooday, whilst at home i created button icons for my GPS .

Including . . .
  • Menu Button, reveals all on the touch screen
  • Map " , reveals trevel route
  • Fuel " , reveals guage and how many km's untill empty also nearest fuel station
  • Speed and Safety Camera " , revels where abouts roughly
  • Volume " , change the tone of the speakers voice
Also sketched a "test" of what i may want my gps to look like.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

GPS Box Assignment

Thursday 7th May 09

Today i created a small (not to size) paper model of my GPS box, just to get an idea of what the finished product could be like.

Also, Sketches of a "Trek-man" GPS. Including other sketches of icon buttons and where to place them best.

Decided on a company name, "Explore" and took notes on what information to place on the GPS box.

At home and next lesson i would like to create another model but of equal and proper size.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

GPS Box Assignment

Monday 4th May 09

Brainstorming of company names

- Global and Explore

Brainstorming of logo names , narrowed down to Two

- Trek-man and Set Out

Final idea of logo names, "Trek-man"

- Sketched, Ink drawn and Attemptd to be computer made

GPS Box Assignment

Thursday 30th April 09

Brainstorming of logo names

  • Other names for "Navigator"

- Helsman, Steersman,Pilot and wheelman

  • Other names for "Travel"

- Tour, Trek, Walk, Drive, Driving, Make One's Way, Trotting and Voyage

  • Idea Names

- Seeman, Trek-man, Smartman, World, Global, Explore, Hunt, Tracing, All around the world, Universal and Setout

Rough sketches drawn of differnet logo names

- Seeman
- Smartman
- Trek-man
- Set Out
